If you prefer to have someone else prepare your documents for you, and depending on the option you chose in Correct Your Status Step 5, the following levels of service are currently available:
1779 One-pager
Level 1: $50 Editing, Recording, and Publishing your paperwork
Level 2: $115 Editing, Recording, and Publishing your paperwork and mailing out your Notices to the IRS and Internal Revenue Service (they are different companies)
Postage included for two (2) Notices
928 Package
Level 1: $200 Editing, Recording, and Publishing your paperwork
Level 2: $384 Editing, Recording, and Publishing your paperwork and mailing out your Notices to Secretaries of State, IRS, etc.
Postage included for five (5) Notices
You will receive all original paperwork and receipts.
It is very important that the information is as complete and accurate as possible.
When entering your information
Only use proper casing (upper and lower case words)
Do not add all caps (THIS IS ALL CAPS)
Spell out words, no abbreviations please (FL should be spelled out Florida, Ave. is Avenue, St. is Street, etc.)
Check your spelling and dates for accuracy
After submitting the intake form, send the following documents to the [email protected]:
Your Birth Certificate or Naturalization Certificate “in-color” photocopy
Color copy of a government-issued ID card (Driver License, Passport Card, Passport Book, State-issued ID, etc.)